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Trail Building

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Our Mission

Building healthy and economically thriving local communities through trails.
We do this by showcasing Ohio’s natural beauty, improving the trail experience, expanding trail access, promoting diversity and inclusivity in mountain biking, developing outdoor recreation economic opportunities, and supporting those who build and maintain the trails.

Who We Are

The Ohio Mountain Biking Alliance is a statewide coalition of mountain bike trail-building organizations in Ohio. We provide resources for law makers, landowners, trail users, and trail building organizations.  We support Ohio trailbuilders by pooling resources and working together to share best practices, statewide advocacy, and collective action. 

OMBA Member Organizations include the eight biggest mountain bike organizations in the state, including ABC, AOA, CAMBA, CORA, COMBO, MMBC, MVMBA, and RVMBA. Our board members are representatives from these organizations. 


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